Total Quality Management Mcqs


Which of the following is not found in an agile organization?

A) Accountability B) Transparency
C) Collaborations D) Leaders ruling over employees
Answer & Explanation Answer: D) Leaders ruling over employees

Explanation: Accountability, transparency and collaborations are crucial within teams in an agile organization. Leaders do not rule over employees but rather focus on augmentation.

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Which of the following is not related to an agile organization?

A) Silo mentality B) Real-time communication and work management tools
C) Interactive digital work instructions D) Concept of hackathons
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) Silo mentality

Explanation: Agile organizations follow bottom-up approach and there is seamless exchange of ideas and directives. It abandons the silo mentality often associated with traditional hierarchical approach.

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Which of the following is not a reason for organizations to adopt flexible systems under agile manufacturing?

A) Increasing fluctuations in demand B) Economic factors
C) Political factors D) Waterfall model
Answer & Explanation Answer: D) Waterfall model

Explanation: Increasing fluctuations in demand, labor rates, input prices along with economic factors, environmental factors, political factors, social factors and political factors are some of the reasons for organizations to adopt flexible systems under agile manufacturing. Agile concept was initially brought in to move away from the Waterfall Model.

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Which of the following is not an advantage of the bottom-up approach of agile manufacturing?

A) Shop floor workers have a voice B) Low engagement
C) High value products and processes D) Seamless flow of ideas
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) Low engagement

Explanation: By implementation of the bottom-up approach of agile manufacturing, the shop floor workers in an organization get a voice. There is a seamless flow of ideas across all the layers of the organization. It also leads to high value products and processes.

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Agile manufacturing focuses on a bottom-up approach.

A) True B) False
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) True

Explanation: Agile manufacturing focuses on a bottom-up approach. It abandons the traditional hierarchical top-down approach and inherits the flexible bottom-up approach.

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______ refers to replacing workers with machines and ______ refers to enhancing workers’ capabilities through technology.

A) Innovation, augmentation B) Automation, augmentation
C) Augmentation, automation D) Innovation, automation
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) Automation, augmentation

Explanation: Automation refers to replacing workers with machines and augmentation refers to enhancing workers’ capabilities through technology. Augmentation is one of the principles of agile manufacturing.

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Which of the following is not a common idea between lean manufacturing and agile manufacturing?

A) Productivity B) Empowering people
C) Response to customer demands D) Reduction in waste
Answer & Explanation Answer: D) Reduction in waste

Explanation: Both lean manufacturing and agile manufacturing focuses on the ideas of productivity, empowering people, and response to customer demands. They both focus on increasing quality. But, lean manufacturing alone focuses on reduction in waste. It is not a central idea in agile manufacturing. Agile manufacturing focuses on flexibility and bottom-up innovation.

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Which of the following is not a reason for organizations switching to agile manufacturing?

A) Constant technological development B) Increasing complex supply chain
C) Higher customer standards D) Increased manpower
Answer & Explanation Answer: D) Increased manpower

Explanation: Constant technological development, increasing complex supply chain, and higher customer standards are some of the reasons for organizations to switch to agile manufacturing. There are new technologies appearing every day and manufacturing experiences more disruptions.

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